I need to rein in my drinking. It's getting tiresome. The reason for this is twofold: Firstly, I'm bored at work, which engenders frustration and the desire to drink. Secondly, I'm a slave to routine in matters like this. I can't imagine the day-to-day without the well-worn path of routine to guide me through it. This includes a nightly sharpener.
It's odd this because I hate routine. That's why I'm bad a sticking to things; I quickly grow jaded of the routine and yearn for change. So why do I slavishly cling to harmful habits and repeated behaviours? Because I'm lazy. One doesn't have to think when the routine is ingrained. You just go with it.
But drink is a narcotic, of course, and as such has a self-preservation instinct, so one needs to demonstrate discipline. So a new habit needs to be introduced. This won't be easy. As I say, I'm bad at routine.
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