Wednesday, 12 August 2015

A fork in the road

Decisions, decisions...I've got to make a major one, and I'm wretched at being decisive.  I always have been.  I think I've mentioned before my maniacal fear of faits acomplis.  Whenever I happen across a decision tree in life and am forced at gunpoint to favour one path over another, I spend the next five years fruitlessly musing on what I might be missing.  I'm no Bertrand Russell, am I?

My problem at pres is that I need to change jobs.  I'm not being 'let go' or anything, but I am on the cusp of self-harming due to boredom.  So it's time to jolly off.  This is complicated by the fact that I don't want simply to swap one desk-bound, Kafkaesque McJob for another.  I need to do something with what remains of my life and sanity; I need to be able to behold the tangible fruits of my labours at the end of hard day.  Is that too much to ask, Britain?

When I was 15, I had a careers interview at school.  I didn't know what I wanted to do other than avoid drudgery.  This was more difficult than it sounded.  My people don't have careers; careers are for the middle-classes.  We had jobs, and the one thing that unified these jobs was our hatred of them.  Jobs were boring, exhausting and poorly-rewarded.

What muddied the waters further was the fact that I was good at academic subjects and was slated to sit a lot of exams at the end of my compulsory schooling.  The careers adviser, not unreasonably, suggested I might like to take up a profession.  I hummed and hawed at this.  I said I would consider it if one could be found that involved a practical element.  I even then wanted to do something on a physical plane.

But, no, I was dragooned into becoming a be-suited functionary.  I was able to ignore the existential angst this caused me for years, but the pressure's built up and is now becoming intolerable.  I need to change tack.

Prepare to jibe.

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