Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Ennui Go

Oh, God, I'm bored today.  This is due to a number of factors.  Firstly, it's a glorious day out - sunny, still and warm.  That doesn't help.  Also, the office is as warm as a geriatric ward, as it must always be, to allow our, presumably consumptive, bought-ledger clerks to go about their duties.  Anything below thirty Celsius and they down tools.  Finally, I'm 47 and generally, therefore, bored almost literally shitless.

It's an odd age, 47.  I have tons of money, but realise I can no longer spend it on champagne and KFC without killing myself.  So I have the wherewithal but not the chassis for the journey.  It's like being given the run of a harem but without being able to take your trousers off.  This is opposite of one's salad days of course, when the only thing that stops you carousing is indigence or your finals, not the thought of a disappointing cholesterol test or a bout of mediaeval indigestion.

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