Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Bike Riced

Phuque-ing Nora - that was a hard session at the velodrome last night.  It was partly my fault for not being correctly prepared for its severity, but in fairness to me, there was absolutely no information on the 'drome's website to correct my erroneous a priori assumption that it would be a piece of piss.  Firstly, I thought the session would last an hour; the others I'd been on do.  No - this one lasted ninety minutes.  That wouldn't normally be a problem, but an hour and a half requires proper fuelling.  

Also, it was a session of very short, very intense sessions - not what I was expecting.  By the end I was running on empty.  I got through it okay, but on the ride home I couldn't get the bike over 12mph even on the flat.  That's an indication of hunger knock, which is no good for one fitness or morale.  Also, the lack of electrolytes meant I cramped up quite badly too.  Not great - and totally avoidable.

The positives are that I got some intensity back into my bike work.  And as I'm still reasonably fit, the pain dissipated quickly and I was right with that pleasing combination of hunger, righteous fatigue and endorphins that endurance training gifts one.  I forgotten how vivid and pleasurable planet Earth is when viewed through this prism.

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