Summer's arrived! Well, it is June. Finally, but finally the sun is generating some heat. Today it's 27 degrees in the capital, and you can smell the optimism in the streets. Everyone has a spring in his or her step, and feels emboldened. "Work can fcuk itself for a few days" seems to be the prevailing philosophy.
This does have a dark side though. The English are wont to drink like teenagers in a suburban bus shelter when the sun is high, wide and handsome like this. Then they get dizzy and aggressive. Not nice. Luckily, the missus and I are off to the north this evening, where it's cooler, both meteologically and figuratively. There'll be no crapulent sunstroke in Yorkshire tonight, thank Christ.
As per I've spent a king's ransom on nibbles for the journey, and I'm not done yet, by God. The plan is to get some refreshing white wine at Euston, so it's nice and cold for the start of the journey.
Hurrah for the summer. Hurrah for the north. And hurrah for a couple of cheeky days off.
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