Thursday, 9 April 2015

Burt Cocaine

There's much excitement chez moi at the moment at the prospect of a film about the life of Kurt Cobain, Montage Of Heck, which opens this weekend.  The reviews look great, and for mosh pit denizens of my vintage, KC is a nonpareil musical figure anyways, so that's a win:win.  The missus loves the whole subject and period too.  It's redolent of A-level results, long summer days and the early years of college.  What-is-not-to-un-dislike? as we say at the coalface of po-mo.

Other than that there's not much to report.  I am on the lookout of a compelling hobby.  The shortlist has been whittled down to two finalists: home brewing and electronics.  

I used to do a bit of HBing when I was a student.  There was an economic imperative then; I was skint and constantly thirsty.  Now I have plenty of disposable income for grog, but considerably less time.  And it's a time-heavy hobby.  Also, the trouble is I can't actually recall if I enjoyed the process of brewing.  Or was it simply the fruits of those labours that bring a rose-coloured image to my mind's eye?  The entry level costs in terms of equipment and hassle are high, so if I commit and it's as dull as fuck, I'm lumbered.

Electronics is pretty good in terms of the outlay and its practical benefits.  However, there is a lot to learn, and the pastime does attract nerds.  Yes, it does.  They're generally better socially adjusted and less troubling to the authorities than sci-fi fans, say, but they are geeky nonetheless.

I'll think on.

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