Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Arrows by any other name

I had a rush of bee to the aitch yesterday and booked myself onto an archery taster course.  I've always hankered after trying archery.  It's one of those things that I ear-marked out years ago as potentially fun and therefore something to do later in life (whenever that is), along with yachting, fencing, bodybuilding, mescaline and sake.  As is par for the course with me, having made the commitment to do it was sufficient for my unconscious brain to assume we had in fact done it in reality.  I realised a couple of weeks ago that we hadn't; hence, the decisive action.

I don't know why I vacillate like this.  It's ridiculous really.  I suspect it's to do with my inability to appreciate that time changes one and one's material circs.  I always bank on things staying just the way they have been for the last 20 years or so, i.e. my being realitively wealthy and relatively fit.  That's also why I struggle when I'm injured.  My mind just cannot compute that it's a symptom of aging.  But I am aging.  I'm also probably at the high water mark of my career earnings.  That's a depressing thought.  So, I need to act in this charmed window, and act I have.  I'm not too sure about the mescaline now.  I can't do hangovers any more.

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