I bought a radiator fan the other week. What's that? Oh, the name pretty much nails it, to be honest. It's a fan that sits atop a central heating radiator. The logic is that instead of drifting slowly ceiling-wards, the heat is coerced into the middle of the room. This heats the room up quicker, and for virtually no additional power consumption.
I haven't published any peer-reviewed findings on the matter, but anecdotally at least, I'm not sure it's doing any good. In fact, it might be cooling the room slightly. I know this makes no sense; the physics just doesn't stack up. The one thing I can say is that the air coming out the front of the fan is less warm than the air emanating from the rest of the radiator. The reason for this is unclear at this stage. Clearly the plastic body of the fan itself is taking some of the precious.heat; perhaps it's in there? Oh, fuck, I don't know. My physics is about as good as Russell Brand's acting, comedy and/or thinking. Don't get started on that twat.
Anyway, my point is I may have been the victim of marketing brouhaha, which is spectacularly annoying for one so usually canny as me.
Vigilance. At all times, vigilance.
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