Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Slapstick consumer durables

A friend of mine popped round last night to drop in a new/old computer for me and the missus.  Our old/old one went to meet its maker (Steve Jobs) last week, so we needed a replacement.

This one is a couple of years old, but it's a fine machine.  My mate works in IT, so it's been well looked after.  He tells me too that the spec is still pretty high falutin' although I'll have to take this on trust as I'm way off the pace when it comes to matters IT-esque.  It's a direct replacement for the old one, a mac for a mac.

It's funny when you buy new stuff.  It immediately makes the old item look about as advanced as a granite ashtray.  I always thought our white i-Mac looked pretty hot and cutting edge.  I know now that to the cognoscenti it couldn't have looked quainter had it been carved from mahogany.

I'm quite lucky when it comes to computers and stuff because I have a number of friends who work in the field.  Should anything go wrong with hardware, they can usually be relied upon to brandish a screwdriver in exchange for beer.  Also, it means we've been allowed to test drive this particular model to see if it fits our oh-so exacting requirements.  So far, so good.  Mind you, the screen did fall out overnight, so we're not out of the woods yet.  I'm quite strict about things like this; I don't like objects I've paid several hundred pounds for falling apart like Arsenal's back-four.  Born fussy, I suppose.

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