Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Purely routine

Routine's a funny old bag, isn't she?  Sometimes I cannot cope without her comforting arm around my shoulder.  Usually it's when I'm mentally or physically frazzled.  That means most mornings of course.  I don't honestly think I'd be able to make it to work more than about 30% of the time were it not for my well-honed routine.  I eat the same things for breakfast, do the same things in the same order.  This means I only have to turn on my brain after I've arrived at my desk.  As we use 99% of our available energy powering our brains, this is vital.  If I had to think and make rational decisions before leaving the house, I'd turn up at work drooling and boss-eyed - not much use, therefore, for whatever it is I'm supposed to do for a living.

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