Louis Theroux's back on goggle box. I've a strained relationship with Louis. His subject matter is interesting, and the production values etc. of his shows are very high, but he's such an incorrigible twat.
I should probably nuance that last statement. It's not that he's a twat per se. It's just that his schtick is this faux-naive persona that drives me crackers. For example, last night's programme was about dogs in LA. This, unsurprisingly, required a segue into the world of south central LA's gang culture and, by extension, its strained relationship with the hound. For hound, read pit bull.
Louis met up with a former gang member who now earns a crust "weaponising" dogs for customers who fear crime more than they fear being eviserated by their pets. The meeting culminated with a trip back to Mr Former-Gang-Member's modest bugalow in what looked for all the world like one of the shabbier backwaters of Helmand. In the yard, Mr FGM keeps his fiercist hound; I didn't catch its name, but let us suppose for a mo its name is Edward.
Edward, I think it fair to say, went absolutely spare when Louis and crew hoved into view (I know how he feels). Luckily for the squeamish, Edward is kept permanently under lock and key in a cage, and wasn't able to "get at" our host.
Even Mr FGM didn't feel he could trust him, which when you consider Edward had the build and temperament of a enraged hyena was fair enough. Going straight for the faux-naive jugular, Louis asked Mr FGM what would happen if Edward were released.
"He'd bite you," came the response, "no question." That's right, Louis, that's no question.
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