There's a wonderful, thoughtful piece on the BBC web site today ( regarding porn for blind people.
Possibly the worst thing the able-bodied do to the disabled is to reduce them all to the category of the "brave". This is also useful because removes the requirement for them to have sex lives. If the disabled are battling so hard just to keep going from day to wretched day, then the last thing on their collective mind is knocking one out or getting their legs over.
Disabled people aren't all brave. There, I've said it. Some are. Others are cowards. Some are fat, some thin. Some are shits and some are entertaining. We all know this, but no-one wants to admit it for some reason. I suppose it allows us able-bodied types to rationalise the whole situation. Why him, and not me? Well, he's brave. I couldn't possibly cope. It must have been fate. Thanks, God.
If they're not all brave, moral paragons then, it follows that they're probably subject to the same disgusting desires that drive the rest of us. It's sex, food and booze in that order, isn't it.
I'm very much taken with the idea of blind porn. It's bound to be better thought out than most of the pneumatic anodyne rutting that litters the Internet currently. Unless of course it's just blind women with impossibly sexy voices pretending to have sex with plumbers.
In case you haven't already guessed, I'm fairly able-bodied. I am, however, colour-blind. I'm working on a film script in which Audrey Tatou fails the ishihara test and then has athletic sex with the strapping male test adjudicator. Who wouldn't like to see that?
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