Tuesday, 22 September 2009

In Your Facebook

It's been a wee while again since I last blogged. Sorry about that. I've been having an affair with Facebook. I resisted as long as I could but a friend posted some pictures on there in which I had a supporting role. And being the massive narcissist that I am, I could not not see them. This meant signing-up. Clever 'eh? That's how they get you.

Anyways, I became addicted like that [clicks fingers]. I did feel bad about neglecting you though all the time I was filling my Facebook boots. I'm not prepared to give it up just yet, you understand, but I'm sure we can reach an accommodation - a sort of I.T ménage à trois. What's the worst that can happen?

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

I'll Be Back

I've been away for a long weekend. It was the August bank holiday here in the UK yesterday - the traditional end of the Summer. We spent the weekend under canvas as is our wont at this time of year. The weather, for once, was tremendous.

We spent the weekend pursuing very low-impact pastimes: croquet, crabbing, eating and drinking, and a bit of camp football. I don't mean we were mincing up the wing à la Quentin Crisp. I mean we were playing on the campsite, which necessitates careful reining in of the male instinct to twat the leather off the ball irrespective of the tactical advantage to be gained. We did quite well in this regard.